Professional Output Management for error monitoring can make a big difference
A large Nordic pharmaceutical company has been handling the customer-facing documents with the Lasernet Output Management software component. Now Lasernet is also used to monitor broadcasts.

Secure operational stability with monitoring of business-critical documents
There are many steps in delivering business documents from ERP system to customer. In addition, there are a number of potential sources of error that can be found, for example, at the operating system level, in a mail system or a third-party software product. To ensure stable operation and efficient handling of system failures, the pharmaceutical company wanted Lasernet to be able to monitor the sending of business-critical documents.
Tabellae made smart log
The company turned to Tabellae, who created a customized error log of invoices sent to the company’s customers. The logging solution is relatively simple, but can protect against many hours of lost work, late payments, etc. It does not require additional software, as Lasernet can already monitor document processes and communication ports as standard.
“It’s probably the cheapest form of insurance I’ve ever bought. With the new Log feature, you’ve hit the nail on the head!”
Global ERP Manager, Large Nordic pharmaceutical company
- Great goodwill from the organization
- Avoided late payments
- Fulfillment of delivery obligations
- “A cheap insurance policy”
Lasernet makes troubleshooting easier
Using the standard functions of the Lasernet software component eliminates the need to code in the ERP system itself or in other main systems, which can be a heavy and test-intensive task – especially in the pharmaceutical industry, where the requirements for documentation, testing and delivery reliability are particularly high.
Unexpected ‘dress rehearsal’
One day, a network failure suddenly occurred, giving the Log solution an unexpected ‘dress rehearsal’. The log allowed ERP Support at the company to proactively inform relevant “owners” of purchases and invoices to pay special attention to follow-up and possible resubmission.
Rapid response was a huge success
The company’s ERP Manager is quick to emphasize the success of the ‘dress rehearsal’:
“Based on Tabellae’s Log feature, we have been able to proactively
Inform affected document owners in the organization. It’s a huge success that
we receive positive feedback from the organization. That it happens at the same time,
that many employees have started a new life of working from home due to
COVID-19/Corona does not diminish the good experience,” says the ERP Manager.
Horror scenario avoided
“If the network failure had happened before Tabellae’s logging feature, the situation would have been the opposite. No one would have noticed the error until we started seeing missing goods, unpaid customer invoices and the like. The consequence would be a worst-case scenario of lost goodwill and revenue because we could not fulfill delivery obligations to affected customers. Thanks again for the great and efficient support”.