Tabellae Awarded the ‘Success Company 2023’
A tribute to the long and persistent effort!
Tabellae is delighted to once again be among the recipients of the ‘Succesvirksomhed’ (Success Company) business award this year, which honors companies that consistently create growth, development, inspiration, and strong financial results year after year.
To be considered for the award, companies must meet a set of criteria. The selection is based on the number of employees and three key financial indicators: Profit before tax, equity, and solvency.
A success company must be able to present at a minimum:
- Growth in their profit before tax over the past five years.
- A solvency ratio of over 15% in the latest financial year.
- Growth in solvency measured over the past five years.
- The ability to achieve results with the given capital base.
Who is behind this?
Spar Nord and BDO are the sponsors of the Success Company business award
Both companies have a tradition of long-term partnerships with small and medium-sized businesses in Denmark, the backbone of Danish business. There is a great awareness that it takes something truly special to create and sustain success year after year, and unfortunately, it often goes unnoticed. Success Company changes that.
Spar Nord and BDO established the business award in 2019 with the desire to celebrate a very special elite of small and medium-sized businesses in Danish business. These are the 300 companies in each of the country’s regions that provide a unique contribution to growth and prosperity in local areas and to the Danish economy as a whole.
All success companies receive a winner’s statuette as visible proof of their efforts.